Friday, February 26, 2010

In the New York Times, Roger Cohen wrote an article called An Eye for an Eye. Here he discusses how the United States of America is taking a similar path as Israel. An eye for an Eye: meaning that the United States is taking actions in its own hands. In other words, if an Israelite takes the life of an American citizen, the United States has the right to do the same.
Roger Cohen argues that “Drones firing Hellfire missiles have eliminated several Al Qaeda leaders. The drone strikes are concentrated on Pakistan, with which America is not at war.” Because we are not involved in a combat with Pakistan I agree with Cohen that “Revenge killings don’t pass the test for me. They’re unacceptable under international law.” It is very unfair to go to another country and without having a conflict with it and be able to have firing missiles.
Cohen intended audience is us, United States Citizens. Since we live in this country we have to take into account what is going on. During the 9/11 attacks, the united states was not involved with itself. We became part of another country’s actions. It is our responsibility for our sake as citizens of the world to don’t overlook others. But, that doesn’t mean be in other peoples’ business all the time. The United States gets involved in many international issues and this may lead to some good and bad outcomes.
In his article, Roger Cohen mentions the global war on terror or GWOT. He says, “The global war on terror (GWOT) is untidy. Still, the current accountability void for U.S. targeted killing is unacceptable.” In addition to the intolerance of this situation, “Obama, who campaigned against the “dark side” of the war on terror and has insisted that America must lead by example as a nation of laws, owes Americans an accounting of his targeted killing program.” It seems that the government is just ignoring the situation. If the wound is not presented, perhaps the pain cannot be felt.
Through his article, Roger Cohen attacks the United States government for acting as the common saying goes; “An eye for an eye.” In his last sentence he says, “[America] will end up eyeless in GWOT.” I believe that as individuals (citizens) and as a whole (country), we should not take action in our own hands.