Friday, March 26, 2010

Social Security Crisis?? ohh noo

A blog from the Smirking Chimp caught my attention because the author discussed the Social Security crisis we are passing through. The second thing that immediately captured my attention was the author and title of the blog. The author of Boo!! The Scary, Scary Social Security “Crisis” is Back! is Dave Lindorff. He is an older man and I was very interested in his opinion about the Social Security.
I heard about this topic and was shock at the news that “this year, six years ahead of what had been predicted only a few years ago, the Social Security system would be paying out more in benefits than it takes in from the payroll tax.” This would suggest that in the future there could be no Social Security benefits. Today our unemployment rate is high, which means, with less citizens working, “there is a lot less money being paid into the Social Security Trust Fund.” The government’s solution for this is “is cutting benefits, raising the retirement age, and privatizing--taking away the guarantee of a monthly benefit check, and replacing it with the "miracle" of the financial markets.” Dave Lindorff opinion towards this is that “American workers need to reject this campaign of misrepresentation.”
In my opinion Dave Lindorff is correct. As a young citizen I realize that time will pass and with it so will my youth. We need to keep benefits that protect us when we are most vulnerable. If other countries like Germany and Canada can provide its citizens with essential resources, I believe that the United States should not fall behind. We are trying to safe the world when I have not saved our selves.
Dave Lindorff probability published this blog to obtain the attention of the vast majority of U.S citizens. His intended audience is all of us who were born in this country and work under this structure. It is an issue that involves everyone because we are all connected to some way or another to the Social Security system.

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