Friday, April 23, 2010

The article from my classmate, “Freedom to Blog,” made me realize how unsafe the world we live in really is. I agree that the United States has procrastinated on the removable of plutonium, but I also think that the U.S. is not doing wrong by keeping some quantity of this element. If other countries have this kind of danger, it is unreasonable for the United States to lack this strong defense in case it is needed.
The world is not and has never been a safe place. I wish to believe that we can trust everyone, but the sad reality is different. Keeping plutonium is very dangerous to everyone regardless who has the control over it. However not having this element in the United States is not going to solve the problem nor keep us safe from other countries using it against us. It is true what my class mate said about the U.S. feeling insecure without its nuclear weapons, like a soldier with out his gun, but not having a gun is only going to make you vulnerable to everyone else who is holding one.
Making peace is extremely difficult, this is the reason why I think the United States should hold on to some plutonium. I also agree with my classmate that we should not only stop the production, but also remove some of the surplus we have stored. The perfect ideology for me would be that the whole world will agree in eliminating nuclear weapons.

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