Friday, May 14, 2010

Opinion on "Are You a Citizen? Not Any More!"

My classmate wrote a commentary about U.S. government. He explained about a new bill proposed by Senator Joe Lieberman and Scott Brown, called Terrorist Expatriation Act. This new bill gives excessive power to the government. If the Terrorist Expatriation Act is passed, it will allow government to take away the citizenship of anyone who has been proven that, he or she has “provided materials or resources to a foreign terrorist organization.”
My classmate is correct to say that “it’s just too much power for our government to wield.” With this kind of power our democracy will lose its influence. It gives too much authority to the government to interfere with or privacy. He also mentions, what is the definition for “actions against the United States?” As we have notice in many court cases, there are different meanings and views on one subject. One question that arose in my mind after reading this article is what or who gives the ability to the government to take the citizenship of someone? I also thought about, what will be next step after taking the citizenship of someone and what is going to happen to that individual? I understand that the government is trying to keep this country and its citizens safe but I agree with my classmate that this is not the answer.

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